Follow our off road adventures.

Follow our off road adventures to Kununurra in WA, Bungle Bungle, Broome, up to Cape Leveque, then to Derby & The Gibb River Road back to Kununurra.

Thursday 21 July 2011

Broome to Als Office at One Arm Point At Cape Leveque

This is the old Broome shops....

Birthday Breaky at Palm Cove Caravan Park at Cable Beach                                                
Al's Pork ribs at Cable Beach Pub

 He did it....10 of the buggers
 Sunset at Cable Beach
 Beagle Bay Church Heading north to Cape Leveque

 All made out of Mother of Pearl Shells

 Relaxing at Middle Lagoon......Top spot
 Camp fire roast
 Another success
 Its just a flesh wound....Richard shouldn't use an axe....very lucky
 Sunset at Middle Lagoon

 Gnylmarung - Boys hired a boat with guide
 Rich with his Mackeral 1st of many
 A very happy Al
 The boys had a whale of a time out there

 Cleaning of the mackeral and reef day
 Roasting Mackeral tails on fire.....beautiful

 Al stitting at his office at One Arm Point

1 comment:

  1. what are you 2 guys doing up there?? Catching undersize fish, trying to fix a chairsaw and having to revert to the convensional method of chopping wood and nearly cutting richards nose off!! Looks like you are al too relaxed and need to get your asses back to work and back to reallit ha ha(very jealous).
    Hope your having fun, travel safe and talk soon
