Follow our off road adventures.

Follow our off road adventures to Kununurra in WA, Bungle Bungle, Broome, up to Cape Leveque, then to Derby & The Gibb River Road back to Kununurra.

Tuesday 20 September 2011

Zebra Rock to home

After leaving Lake Argyle we headed east to a place just over the NT boarder. It is called Zebra Rock Mine. It is a 10km drive off the Victoria Hwy. It is a place worth looking at.

Then it was off to Manbulloo Station which is 9 km  SW of Katherine.


After 2 day at Manbulloo Station we headed off to Daly Waters. What an interesting pub this is. It is only 4km off the Stuart Hwy.

Then back on the road heading east to Cape Crawford & then down to Barkley Homestead.

Sunrise on the Barkley Hwy Heading East.

Landed in Longreach & decided  to do the Qantas Founders Museum tour. We ended out spending 7 hours out there.

Chris & I stood in one of the motors of the 747  Jumbo jet.

I did the wing walk.

Chris & I  behind the controls of the 747 jet.

Here we are at Lake Maraboon Dam. It is Wednesday & we have 2 days before we are going to be home.

After being away for just over 12 week & travelling 13,000km & having 1hr of drizzle rain in Broome, it has been a great trip. The weather has been just great, blue sky day after day. It has been great travelling with Richard & Colleen. It was a shame that we had to leave them at Lake Argyle. It is great to travel with people you have the same interest with.
The high lights of the trip are many, as you have seen on the blog.
Hope you have enjoyed the photos & the blog. See you on our next trip. Al, Chris, Richard & Colleen.

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Kununurra to Lake Argyle

After leaving Parry Creek Farm we headed a long a dirt road to the Ivanhoe crossing which takes you into Kununurra. The crossing has been impassable since January this year. Believe it or not there is a road under all that water. The reason why there is so much water is because they are letting water out of Lake Argyle.
Lake Argyle is a man made dam. Lake Argyle was made by the damming of the Ord River, which was completed in 1972 & covers an area 2000sq km - the largest man-made lake in Australia.

The crossing into Kununurra. Ivanhoe Crossing.

This is not the Lake Argyle Dam. This is the Diversion Dam in Kununurra. The main Hwy. is over the Diversion Dam. The water from the dam at Lake Argyle flows down to the Diversion Dam & then out to sea.

This is the Ivahhoe Crossing, Kununurra side. The Ivanhoe crossing is down stream from the Diversion Dam.

With all the dirt roads over with, it is time to wash the car & van at Lake Argyle.

This is the dam wall at Lake Argyle. It is made out of Clay & rock from the local area. It hold 25 times the water of Sydney Harbour. When Chris & I were here in 1977 it held 15 times the water of Sydney. Since then they have built the spillway wall up 6meters.  The spillway is in another spot away from the dam wall.

The dam wall.

Looking out to the lake at sunset over the pool.

Sunrise, over looking the pool.

Al  fishing at spillway creek. Still no Barra. Only 1 cat fish.

The sunset cruise on Lake Argyle.

A fresh water croc. On the lake.

Looking out over the dam at sunset.

This here is a photo to show you the size of the man made lake.

Chris & I at sunset on the boat.

The water in the dam was about 26deg. You could have swim if you wanted to.

Another great sunset!!!! As Richard would say. Not another sunset Al.  Hay but this one is great.

Al having a sunset swim in Lake Argyle.

Heading back to camp with beer in hand.

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Sunday 18 September 2011

Diggers Rest Station to Parry Creek

Prison Boab heading to Diggers Rest Homested. Diggers Rest is about 40km from Wyndham heading s/west.

The homested at Diggers rest. Its a nice place to stay.

The campsite at the homested. Good shower & toilets.

Hows that for a sunset. Every night is the same.

Richard just taking it easy at the homested.

The girl taking it easy with one of the workers. Colleen is giving the Galahs a drink, while Chris has a mid strenght beer.

The local Barra hole. NO BARRA still.

Got the stew on the fire cooking, while we have a beer with the owner of the homested.

Al & his new mate.

Another great sunset.

Another one of my mates trying to work me out.

These 2 goats were just born about 5 minutes ago. The farm animals were great.

Campsite at Parrys Creek Farm. It is about  70km east of Diggers rest.

This is a photo of a frog being in the wrong place.

Bird life at Marglu Billabong near Parry Creek Farm

The local Wallaby.

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