Follow our off road adventures.

Follow our off road adventures to Kununurra in WA, Bungle Bungle, Broome, up to Cape Leveque, then to Derby & The Gibb River Road back to Kununurra.

Monday 12 September 2011

Kalumburu Part 1

Well back in June this year this part of the trip to Kalumburu was not on. The road reports said that the roads were washed away & that the road to Kalumburu would not be open until 2012 from the floods. The road was opened about 2 weeks prier to our arrival to Mitchell Falls. When we left Mitchell Falls & head back to the main road Chris & I decided that we would go to Kalumburu. It was only 100km up there & 100km back to the Mitchell Falls turn off.

The road wasn't to bad for 60km & the other 40km was alright, a bit rough. We arrived Kalumburu it was an interesting drive. Kalumburu played a major role during World War 2 with a large contingent of air force personnel utilising the air field.
On the 27th Sep.1943 Kalumburu was bombed by over 20 Japanese aircraft. The mission was almost completely destroyed, with one of the Fathers being killed along with a native women & 4 children.


Petrol unleaded was $3.40 per litre & diesel was $3.70 per litre. If you stayed at McGowans, diesel could be bought cheeper. Up to $1.00 off.

If you ever get up to Kalumburu,  go to the Mission, Church & Museum. These places should not be missed. 

The old Bakery.

Inside the old Bakery

Our Lady of the Assumption Catholic Church.

Kalumburu Museum.

This is where we stayed at McGowans, a little touch of paradise. What a view.

Sunset. We had a little 5 foot crocodile off the beach.


What a Campsite. This is one place which is realy great.

Great place to put your boat into the water.

Part 2 of Kalumbura is on the next blog.
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