Follow our off road adventures.

Follow our off road adventures to Kununurra in WA, Bungle Bungle, Broome, up to Cape Leveque, then to Derby & The Gibb River Road back to Kununurra.

Sunday 11 September 2011

Mount Hart, Bell Gorge & Mornington

After spending 3 days at Windjana Gorge we travelled 130km to Mount Hart Wilderness Lodge where we had a good look around. The camp ground is situated about 1km from the Lodge.

There were 2 drives & walks to do at Mount Hart. There were some creeks to cross.

& some realy nice swimming holes.

What a gentleman !!!!!!!!

After the walks & swims we sat around the camp fire & had a camp oven for tea.

After  2 days at Mount Hart we set off to Bell Gorge, which is 100km  from Mount Hart. There were a few creek crossing.


There is no camping at Bell Gorge, so we camped at Silent Grove which is about 10km from the Bell Gorge.
This Crimson Finch in my right hand even allowed me to pick it up.

The walk from the car park is 1km to the top of the falls. If you are feeling adventurous you can make your way to the pool below for a swim.

Chris with the video camera at the base of the falls.
Picture of falls taken from pool below.


Richard taking it easy at the Gorge.


After our camp at Silent Grove we travelled 60km along dirt to the turn off to Mornington Wilderness Camp. Before you enter Mornington you must call them from the phone at the turn off. This is to see if there are any camp sites are available. They only allow 50 people at any one time.

There are many creek crossing to go through. The road in was quite good.

You can hire a canoe for the day & paddle down Diamond Gorge & have a swim.

Dimond Gorge is around 26km from Mornington.

The camp site at Mornington. All camp sites are unpowered.

Alan having swim at Sir John Gorge. It is just 14km from Mornington.

Mornington Wilderness camp has a Resturant & Bar if you want to treat yourself to night out.

What a camp site!  This is living!!!!!!!!

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