Follow our off road adventures.

Follow our off road adventures to Kununurra in WA, Bungle Bungle, Broome, up to Cape Leveque, then to Derby & The Gibb River Road back to Kununurra.

Sunday 11 September 2011

Kimberley Gibb River Road. Windjana Gorge & Tunnel Creek

Well it's good to be able to tell you all about our adventures on the Gibb River Road at long last.
 We left Derby on the 4th of August & headed to Windjana Gorge. Windjana Gorge is about 140km west of Derby. When you leave Derby you head out of town about 5km & turn left onto the Gibb River Road. Travel 60km on bituman & then you hit the dirt & corrugation for about 654km of the Gibb River Road. Add to that, the trips into the Gorges, Stations & the road to Kalumburu. We did a lot of dirt, corrugation & creek crossings. In total we took 4 weeks.

       First stop was Windjana Gorge. This photo is the entre to the National Park.

The Gorge is picturesque with its near vertical walls. The gorge is about 3.5km long, with Lennard River flowing through.

   As you you walk through the the Gorge, you find many freshwater crocodiles, sunning themselves on the banks.

  In this photo you are looking out of the gorge towards the camping area.

                                                      The campsite at Windjana Gorge.

Just 24km down the road from Windjana Gorge, you have Tunnel Creek.
What an amazing place! This first photo is the entrance into the DARK tunnel, you nead a torch & be prepared to walk through water.
                                                      The walk is about 750meter long.

                                                              Walking through water.

                           Half way through the tunnel it opens up, at where the roof has collapsed.

                                      Photo of the gang less Richard because he took the photo.

              This is a photo of what they call the waterfall, which is made up of Stalactites & Stalagmites.


                                                   More water crossings in the tunnel.

                                                            The end of the tunnel.

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