Follow our off road adventures.

Follow our off road adventures to Kununurra in WA, Bungle Bungle, Broome, up to Cape Leveque, then to Derby & The Gibb River Road back to Kununurra.

Sunday 11 September 2011

Mitchell Falls

The trip from King Edward River to Mitchell Falls is 88km to the camping area.

As you drive into Mitchell Falls you have to cross the King Edward River.

We are just about to enter the camping area at Mitchell Fall National Park.

Paying the camp fees.

Camp site at Mitchell Falls.

We took helicopter ride over the Mitchell Falls. The flight we took was 18 minutes & it was well worth it.


Looking at the Mitchell Falls from inside the Helicopter.

This photo was taken from the ground.

This is one of the water crossings above the falls.
Richard & Colleen at the to of the fall.

Al & Chris at the top of the falls.

The walked back from where the Helicopter dropped us off, at the top of the falls, is 3km walk back to the campsite. About 300 meter from the campsite is Little Mertens Falls. This photo is the top of the falls.


Looking up at the top of the falls.

The girls having a swim at the bottom of the falls.

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The Gibb River Road blog starts 4 blogs back from this one.

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