Follow our off road adventures.

Follow our off road adventures to Kununurra in WA, Bungle Bungle, Broome, up to Cape Leveque, then to Derby & The Gibb River Road back to Kununurra.

Monday 12 September 2011

Ellenbrae Station

After leaving Kalumburu we headed  back to King Edward River, stayed the night.  Then we headed to
Drysdale River filled up with petrol & headed to Ellenbrae which is on the Gibb River Road heading to Kununurra. From Drysdale to Ellenbrae is about 130km of dirt.

Some of the creek crossings on the way.

We are meeting up with Richard & Colleen at Ellenbrae.

It was nice of the chock to greet Chris at the gate.

Ellenbrae Station is located approx 199km west of Kununurra. It famous for its tea & scones.

The garden around the homesite has plenty of birds.

Chris having tea & scones.

The laundry at the station.
Bathroom at the station.


In the floods is year they lost a boat. It ended half way up the tree in the photo.

More Birds. This one is a Rainbow Bee-Eater.

This is the camp kitchen & bathroom in the section where we stayed.

The donkey fire for our area. A donkey fire is your hot water heater. You put a fire at the bottom of the
 cylinder & it heats the water.


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